Hoka Shakeout Sessions

Hoka Shakeout Sessions is an interactive trail talk with actual trail run at with the scenic backdrop of Timberland Heights at San Mateo, Rizal on May 12, 2019. Hoka Shakeout Sessions is an interactive trail talk with actual trail run at with the scenic backdrop of Timberland Heights at San Mateo, Rizal. Get a feel […]

Itogonia Trail Run 2019

Itogonia Trail Run 2019 brings back the Wild Country experience in a trails of Baguio and Itogon. Dare to explore and be challenged by the high-altitude and scenic Itogonia trails that comes in 42K and 32K distance for Experienced Runners and 16K, 8K and 3K for newbies on May 26, 2019 at Camp John Hay, […]

Speedgoat Challenger

Speedgoat Challenger brings you varying surfaces, terrains and scenic backdrops of Timberland Heights, San Mateo, Rizal on March 17, 2019 as you test your mettle on the trails. The event gives you a short but scenic 8K route, a moderately challenging 12K distance and a 21K for those who prefer the longer distances. Speedgoat Challenger […]